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Islamic jurists have received this hadith with acceptance and concurred upon applying it, and although its chain of transmission as a prophetic hadith is weak (da‘if), Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani notes that it has been conveyed from more than one of the Sahaba, and that Ibn Hazm has reported it in his Kitab al-Isal with a rigorously authenticated (sahih) chain of transmission from ‘Umar ibn .... 2019-6-22 · As we seated back later, and Mama tried to recall the flow with them; Prepare money & the bank book, get your number, take a seat while waiting to be called…and Yusuf spontaneously added ”Kakak went to pee” 🤭 Had to remind him again that WC visit is not included in normal business. 2. Maryam had hers handed over first at the counter.. 2021-2-9 · Giovannozzi ‘ ‘Costruzione di Macchine’, ed. Hydroelastic impacts of deformable wedges In S. 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